Painting by Frost

Our first  discussion this morning was concerning when to  light the "Big Kahuna",  our large wood furnace waiting in the basement.  Soon we will need to feed it large rounds of pine, but this morning we'll see if the upstairs heater can banish the chill.  Outside our world is  a  white painting .

 The morning fog retreated up the Eastern Cliffs revealing  a thick frost, turning  the tall grass in our yard to white feathers.  The Poplars are resplendent in their new garb, a fashionable white and grey.  Everyone is wearing it this season.  Cleo returned, somewhat quickly, from her morning walk with a tiara of snow crystals on her head   and a firm vociferous conviction that now, right this minute, it was  time to come in the house and check in with the cats.  And perhaps the state of her bed  from which she can lounge and watch the warming flames  in  the living room heater.

Some how in yesterdays pre- snow cleanup I seem to have strained my back.  Jo-Ann managed to torture a leg muscle getting out of the skid steer.  We look quite the pathetic pair, hobbling and moaning around the  still warming house this morning.

I still have at least another day before all the snow lanes around the yard will be clear of the summers building materials and  accumulated sundry items. A pile of metal ducting, sure to be of use somewhere, Pallets that need to be stored, the "some day I will need this" Piles.

 Last night it got to -11C so I imagine the piggies might enjoy a bit of a warming fire.

I am in an expectant mood lately.  Snow will soon be here and Daughter Sara's due date has passed.
We're still on the hunt for a freezer for the falls meat.

Porridge will provide a start for today.


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