Blog Change

So somebody in China has figured out how to get past word verification to dump a whole pile of crap on my blog.  So you don't have to read this junk mail I have implemented the review before posting option.  Hope that cuts down on the crap.  I am not sure of how it was done.  Maybe a simple cut and paste.  Hard to believe somewhere on this planet there is someone who is making money by pasting spam to Blog posts.

Where will it end.    Sometimes I just hate the WWW.  

Spent the last couple of days making two trips to Prince George to pick up a free freezer in order to store  dog food ( variety cow. ) On the try yesterday our Van crapped out - possible CV Joint- and we had to limp home sans freezer.  Today the truck we borrowed lost its turn and brake lights- fortunately simply a blown fuse.  This has been a tough year on us vehicle wise that's for sure.  And as it turned out the "free" freezer was a small one not the 21 cubic feet one we were counting on.  Ah well the free freezer  only cost us about a hundred bucks in gas..

Maybe the Amish with their one horse powered buggies have something..

Perhaps the pets would enjoy smoked meat..


Anonymous said…
this is a test of the new spam stopper.....
Anonymous said…
second test of spam stopper

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