Where's the Beef!

That would be a pickup truck full of meat trimmings.  It's all destined for Doggie Food.  As a matter of fact right now we have a large pot of stew simmering away on the stove.  With the additions of some green beans and carrots it's starting to smell pretty good.  No salt or spices - just good old grass fed blue beef - with a few chunks of moose meat thrown in just because they love it.  And you can't beat the price.

After   a lot of research into various dog food brands and the pet food industry in general, we discovered that it is healthier and cheaper for us to buy a cow and grind it up for dog food than it is to buy dog food.  A way cheaper.  And healthier.  And that is weird.  Do some research on what is found in Animal food - it will make you shudder.  I guess, technically, chicken feet and feathers are "Chicken Parts", slather some lard on it and dogs will eat it.  Why?  They have too.  A lot of it is just junk food.  And if you think that " they must have done the research to figure out a balanced diet for our loved pets", well, that's just advertising.  Spend a few minutes doing some online research and you might change your mind.  Dogs are wolves.  Albeit domesticated,  but still wolves. Wolves eat meat.  They don't eat rice and legumes.   

In Canada the pet food industry isn't even regulated - unless they are shipping product out of Canada.  What ever your country I'll bet you a couple of juicy steaks your packaged pet food is overpriced and not nearly as nutritious as the T.V. advertisements would have us believe.  

Here's Xena trying to figure out what that lovely smell is coming from the garage.  We had parked the truck load of trimmings in the heated garage so we could package it.

 "What no rice with this lovely flank steak? Oh, well I guess it will have to do.."
One of our non-working freezers serves us well ( in the winter time) as large chunks and marrow bone storage.  Closely guarded by the puppies.  We package the rest in recycled baggies for daily portions and keep it in the working Doggie Freezer.  Ditto with the stew after I thicken it up with some flour to make a nice gravy, we'll cool it down and portion it out for daily meals.  I am using some of our stash of freeze dried veggies in it.  Just to make sure all the vitamins and minerals are covered.  But mostly I suspect, like the dog food industry, so it looks good to me.

On a 'nother note.  I love Gizmos.  I love apples - especially the ones that come from trees without stopping in cold storage for months.  Like the kind you can pick up in the Okanagan that are also way cheaper than the wooden globes sold in the local stores.  What could be better than this Gizmo:

An apple peeler, slicer and correr.  Um what delicious fun! Takes a little practice but I get to eat the mistakes.  With a little sugar and cinnamon - devine! The pigs are crazy about the peels.

Hope you have a little sweetness in your life today!
" Can I hide this under your pillow so Cleo doesn't get it?"


Daryl said…
I have just discovered your blog and am enjoying it so much. I feed 6 dogs raw food, so your most recent post is especially of interest to me. Thank you for adding "sweetness to my day." Daryl in Maine
Art Blomquist said…
Hiya Daryl, thanks for dropping by. What kind of raw food are you feeding your dogs?

We do feed raw and cooked food. With the bones to gnaw on through the day. The doggies thrive on it.
Yeoman said…
You know, it's funny to think of, but my wife was horrified when I wondered if our neighbors would want any beef scraps. She thought they'd think us bad folks.

Well, the dog enjoyed the bones rather nicely.
Art Blomquist said…

I think it is because we anthropomorphize our pets. Just look at the packaging of pet food. Looks delicious.
All those green beans, rice and carrots! Any wonder that our pets are getting diseases that are suspiciously human?

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