Projects Not Projection

It's a case of combing the Yak. I start out doing a project but before I do that I need to do this and then while I am doing that I might as well as do the other thing which means I have to do something 'bout... You get the picture. One thing does lead to another and as the saying goes" " it is often difficult to remember the original objective of draining the swamp when your up to your butt in alligators.." Case in point: The Animal Shed, formerly know as the blue shed. We are having a hard time locating weaner pigs. They are going for 85$ and none to be found! We located some Tamworths locally but even this Falls batch are already sold out. The Pig experiment went so well we are expanding the herd. Ditto the chickens. I need to find a place to put the three laying hens while the 31 Rhode Island Reds take over the pen. So the Old birds go out to the Chicken tractor while the new birds grow. With four pigs this year, one female w...