Outstanding In The Field

 Well actually I am sitting.  On a rare sunny day last week I ventured down to see a neighbor and he wasn't home so I decided to demonstrate my horse viewing technique. What do you think,  have I got it about right?

Their guard dog "Bear" was doing yard duty.  Don't know why they call him bear tho.. This dog sleeps outside all winter long.  He has a huge thick coat and once he knows you he is a pretty gentle giant.

Its really been wet around here and all the melt water run off from the surrounding mountains are causing the local rivers to over flow.
This is the Endako river.  It's a small river that runs through the middle of this picture from right to left.  The lake is our bid for water front property.  The problem is that field is where the power line for us and our neighbors comes through.  Time to get the big generator checked out.

The Weiner  Pigs are doing well.  I think they were weaned about 5 or more days early but they seem to be doing all right.

This is the Gilt.  She's the friendliest of the bunch and is used to being handled.  The barrows are a bit more skittish.  But  their sister is showing them there is nothing to fear.  Five hours after we got them two of the smallest ones clambered through the gate and made their way to the great outdoors.  The littlest one, a 10 and a half pound lightening fast sprinter evaded dogs and us but returned to the barn on his own by morning. See Jo-Ann's blog for the heart wrenching  details.

"Hmm, that furry butt is pretty nice to snuggle up to.."

The 31 Rhode Island Red chicks are growing fast and after five days have started to develop wing feathers.  some even have tail feathers and feathers on their back starting. 

Boose, the barn cat, likes to keep an eye on them.  They don't seem to be too nerveous.  Maybe because when were not there the top of the Brooder is covered with mesh.

Too wet to plant outside just yet.  They only thing we have growing besides the grass are strawberries and my Aunt Mabels onions She imported these to the Okanagon from her garden in Flin Flon, Manitoba,  and they sure seem to like it here. These were planted last fall and wintered over. 

Ah well time to go to a meeting and return to watch the taped Hockey game.


Art, its HOUSE sitter not horse sitter you goof
Art Blomquist said…
Nah, the house was fine. The horses looked like they needed the company - the Lama's are so stuck up!
Gary Eriksson said…
Cool Pics...I'm Jelious
Yeoman said…
I'm jealous too. I'm sitting here looking at the wall of my office downtown. Great.

It's been very wet up here too. Freakishly wet really, and the run off is just getting started this past few days. We'll have floods for sure.
Art Blomquist said…
Yeoman, done that office thing. Sitting amidst the horses is definitely more satisfying.

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