Somethings on my Mind

When I was a kid I always wanted a Davey Crocket coonskin hat. Here I decided to settle for second best.

Yesterday was a doozey. The deck stain still wasn't dry so it'll have to wait untill the guests depart from the great Rockhound barbeque before doing coat number two. Did add a bunch more flashing on the front. Big improvement. Also got the shed trim finished. Today just finish painting the house jacks - the metal posts at the front that helped adjust the house as the logs settled. They will eventually be replaced with Burls or Logs. And doing some Ikibana, if I can find my frogs.. Oh, and relax with some friends. I'm sure I know how to do that.


Anonymous said…
Thats my Dad! Mans best friend = Mans new hat. I like it.

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