Window Trim

Finished a nice little project I've had on the burner since before the shop collapsed. I am really starting to like the Barn Wood. Not finished, just left like it came off the wall. Well these pieces came from a door on one that was hanging there on one hinge. I managed to save the hinges too. This is the window in the upstairs library area. I had taken the window framing off in order to seal around the edges with spray insulation as there was a heck of a draft on this West facing window. Now with it sealed and some stretch plastic over the glass it's warm as toast. I still have a few more windows to do. But will probably wait untill I erect scaffolding so I can paint all the fake wood paneling. Or ..?

We spent yesterday decorating the Hall for Tiny's Christmas eve.

It was always a tradition in my family to have Christmas on Christmas eve. Maybe because the kids could stay up late and not have to get up at 4:00 am to open presents. Tom likes to invite some of the old timers and friends from the area. So he doesn't have enough room at his house so we use the Endako Hall. The Family brings the goodies. We'll be bringing some butter tarts, Ham and a "Trailor Trash" dish. My sister Cheryl and family will be coming from Vanderhoof. It should be a lot of fun. Tomorrow Jo-Ann and I will have our little Christmas in the "Normal" fashion, I.E. Christmas morning. And we have a nice little Turkey to cook. Cuz, you just can't have enough turkey. And jellied cranberry sauce.


Carol Browne said…
Merry Christmas! The window looks excellent. I had to think for a second before I remembered where that window was. Hope you had fun last night and have a relaxing time today. So I have to ask, did you like your special gift??
Art Blomquist said…
Like it. I got coveralls too! I have to tear something apart. Many thanks to Cathy for taking the time. It means a lot to me. Perhaps I could go to Calgary and rip apart her bathroom...

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