What Came First?

Well you can check out Jo-Ann's blog for the answer to that one. Let's just say it's been more fun around here than a doggie house full of..

Finally I have a pot to piss in. I picked it up at the local second hand ( note: not antique ) store. It now rests, ready for action, on the stairs with the some of our other found treasures.

I brought the Boler home from where it was wintering over at Toms. So Xena and I had to try it out last night.

Camping out in the yard. She was camping in it when she was just a wee puppy and she hadn't forgot about it. She just jumped in took over a chunk of the bed and asked me to turn the heat on a bit. It was a bit nippy when we went to bed. The Northern Lights were out and there was frost on the Tire covers this morning. I had got out of bed when the sun came up and was running around in my long johns and rubber boots, feeding the birds. I didn't want to wake up Jo-Ann but little did I know she was looking out the window wondering if she should record the scene for posterity. Now, no need to brace yourself. She assures me that she didn't.

Were off to Vanderhoof this afternoon to visit my sister Cheryl and pick up supplies for the new guests.


Carol Browne said…
A USED peepot? EW! Art, that really takes the cake. Ew. and Teehee. Ew.
Unknown said…
Hey, what happened to the fence? There is no fence behind the boler in the picture.

And I have to agree about the pisspot

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