Home At Last

It didn't take to long, like zero minutes before Xena and her friend Ewe were renewing their friendship. I think they both missed going outdoors when ever they wanted. Ewe has been in and out like a YoYo since we got home.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the road and the ditch clear and hard. That is untill we got near the house. We never put any gravel on that part of the place last year and now I remember why I had wanted to. I don't want to put any down around the house untill I dig it up to waterproof the basement.

We got home to free range chickens. They had managed to work a pop hole loose and were merrily cleaning up the new grass that is starting to show where the snow has melted. And it is melting, slowely. It's -7c today, that's around 20 I beleive for those of you South of the Border. And snowing lightly.

I noticed the tops of the tire garden showing through the snow. I will have to take a tromp out to them to see what the temperature is getting to.

Busy today installing the new machine and changine our internal network over to wireless N. Maybe now I will have enough range to put a backup machine out in the shop. That way I can back up our critical files to another building in case of disaster here.

I have to make another run down to the Coast for about a week on Thursday. I have some customers I need to make a face to face with and I will be going to a service for my X mother-in-law. She was a great person, a real help to me and I will miss her. Jo will be staying and doing the chicken thing. And waiting for some Mabel the Moose shots.


Anonymous said…
Oh, there you are back at home. But I see you are coming down again so then maybe we can make an appointment? I am sorry for the loss of your friend.

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