I've gone Looney

We stopped by a friend of mine's today and during our socializing I mentioned that I had always wanted to get an original Cowichan wool sweater. Especially now that the Chinese have started mass producing look a likes.

So my friend reached into his closet and came out with a wool sweater that his Mom had knitted for him but it was too big for him and she had made him another one. He selected the loon pattern. He gave it to me and said he was glad it was going to a good home. Which it its. It is something that I will treasure. I wore it home and used it when I went out to do the chucks. And measure the new tire garden. There was a bitter North Easter blowing and I was warm as toast. With my Elmer Fudd hat pulled over my ears. Even the Mizzes, who has glycol for blood put on a pair of wool gloves for the yard expedition.

I am starting to get the stuff, sawdust, pex conduit and another 150 tires together for the new expanded "retired" garden on the West side of the house.


Carol Browne said…
My Grandma knitted me one in high school and I still have it. It's snuggly and warm.

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