Shedding some Light.

Yard clean up progresses. We need a place to store all our garden tools, hoses, pots and bags of peat. We were using the "storage shed" but its on the other side of the yard. Last year we lugged an odd shaped eight by eight foot barn roof shed up and it languished in a field. I really was at a loss about what to do with it. The winds had torn the sheet metal on the roof, the Luan siding was being shredded by the wind, everything was put on with one inch shingle nails. Not very pretty.

And then it struck me during our morning walk up the driveway. I wonder if the skidsteer could inch it over to an eight by eight foot pad I had built for a tire composter. It would be a great foundation.

Indeed it would. The move went wonderfully easy as the shed had six by six inch skids on it. I screwed the roofing tin down with a couple of hundred proper rubber washered roofing screws. It isn't pretty but it is sure secure. The Winter winds won't move it.

I had a skid of O.S.B. board left over from the shop project so we are ripping off the shredded luan and putting on the far stronger 1/2 inch material. Then some heavy roofing tar paper and finally covering the whole thing with white roofing shingle sheeting. I have a bunch of salvaged aluminum windows courtesy of my Nephew Conrad, a contractor in Prince Rupert, and have studded the West wall for a couple of 16 X 46 inch double paned ones. I might even put a couple in the front. A six by six foot platform complete with shed roof, ramp, new three foot door and we will have a great little storage building. Hopefully before I have to dig stuff out of the snow!

Besides filling the obvious need for garden equipment storage space it's a big thrill to re-purpose something that was cast off and unwanted into a skookum, useful addition to the place. One less item that gets discarded. Some of the re-purposed items on the top of my favorites list include: tires, plastic buckets, glass and pallets.

It's been getting down to around -12℃( 10.4℉) at night and below freezing, in the shade, during the day so imagine my surprise when I noticed these:

They are growing in tires that are along side the Shop basking in the late fall sun. I just never thought of strawberries as a cold weather crop.

Later today we are going on the Endako 5K. That's a route we've measured along highway 16. We were registered in a race in Kelowna this weekend but were not able to make it there so this will be in lieu of. I'll let you know how we place.

Looking forward to Turkey Day.

Hope you find some strawberries in your life today.


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