Shedding some Pounds

This is the finish of the Endako 5K run. Right at the 550 kilometre mark on Highway 16. I couldn't get a victory picture because I was first to cross the finish line and had to get the camera out of the car to capture the other contestants victory lunge. It turns out that the race was so rigorous there was only two contestants, Jo-Ann and myself. So it is a small victory that I placed first in the 59 year old overweight male category with a time of 31:39:11. I have done 5k's faster but they were on a track. I trimmed down 37 pounds for this race and plan on losing another 40 lbs for the 10k event. Who wants to run with an extra 80 lbs on their butt. Not me. Just too lazy. I am really proud of Jo-Ann who placed first in the ladies event, even tho this was her first 5k run this decade.

Speaking of Shedding, work progresses on the garden shed. I have O.S.B. up on all the walls and the front is roughed in for the four foot door from the salvage pile. That's not a typo - the door is a four foot wide solid core door I salvaged from the local arena. No trouble getting the weed whacker or wheel barrows through it.

But I won't get to siding the front until I get back from a thanksgiving sweat my friend Ken is having at Stellaquo.

It got to -16℃(℉) last night so I have some urgency to get it complete. The chicken and dog waterers are all plugged in to keep them from freezing.

Hope your plugged in to a Higher Power today!


Anonymous said…
Congratulations on your victory! Happy Thanksgiving to you and Jo-ann.

Suzanne said…
Wow, you done great.
The best 5 km I've done was about 33 minutes.
You're on your way - what a great accomplishment!
I had a walk run (mostly run) tonight so feel I 'm on the mend and back on track (literally).
Art Blomquist said…
Suzanne: "on the mend?" Whats happening? We got a treadmill so that should help our running program when the snow is about.
Suzanne said…
Treadmills are good for the snow. I'm recovering from I'm guessing a repetitive strain injury to the left foot. Now that I'm a pensioner it just takes a little longer to heal. But we're getting there.

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