In Hot Water

The Chucks that is. With the cold snap showing no sighs of abatement I was having to bring the chicken watering can into the house to thaw it out and then fill it with hot water. While the run has a 250 Watt infrared lamp in it it still can get cold enough at the floor ( or straw ) to freeze up the watering jar. I insulated the can with several raps of mylar plastic bubble wrap using the home handymans new best friend, clear duct tape.

Works well. Just to be sure tho, I was at the feed store and purchased a heating pan that the watering jug is placed on. It is thermostatically controlled so that when it gets to freezing it comes on and keeps the water from freezing.

I also replaced the aging infrared lamp and the new one seems way brighter. Just to see how well everything was working at 11 p.m. last night, after the monthly Endako hall society social night, I peeked in. Imagine my surprise to see the chucks still up and enjoying the new light. They almost looked guilty when I opened the door. Honest dad, we were just going to bed...

I guess it's O.K. for them to stay up late on a Saturday night, as long as they keep laying eggs like this:


Wendy said…
That's one good sized egg! Our size laying hens have continued to lay eggs this whole winter, so far. We average four per day - every day - most days it's six. They're very good hens :). We haven't had a very cold winter so far. Most days they're water doesn't freeze.
Anonymous said…
Double yolkers? yum! farm fresh eggs (blood, beaks & all)! I know chickens do a lay off (pun intended) period while they go through this thing called molt, but don't remember when that happens. Seems to me it's spring.
Art Blomquist said…
The big ones are double yolkers. But we get them every day so no danger of finding ones that have been brooded. Just lovely yolks a mile high and firm whites.

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