Snow Bound

Even tho the temperature dropped to -26 we had a two foot dump of snow over two days. The two days right after the YRB grader made it up our driveway. However he came back yesterday and pushed did the driveway again, pushing 6 foot drifts out of the way on the upper road.

I tried to no avail to get the skidsteer started to clear the couple hundred yards to our top gate - where the grader stopped as he doesn't come in the yard. After removing the fuel filter I noticed that it had big rust clumps in it. Also the block heater had packed it in. Although it had warmed to -16 there was no starting it.

Today were going to bash a trail with the Toyota to the cleared driveway and make it to town for some victuals and new fuel filter and block heater. The snow should be light enought that I don't have to chain up.


Unknown said…
I was just thinking about you guys last night, wondering how the snow conditions were. We finally got warm down here, they are saying double digits on the weekend. Should be good for an avalanche or two.


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