My Wife Is Sleeping With A 17 Year Old.

According to my Dr. After a recent physical he proclaimed that I had the blood pressure of a 17 year old. That's a big difference from five years ago when I was warned to lower my blood pressure or go on medicine that would do it for me. I'm a big fan of doing what I can to get healthy without the use of drugs. I've lost a lot of weight, exercise regularly and we are eating as well as we can with our own veggies and local beef. Soon local chicken. Nice to see that it pays off.

I have been making some progress on the Garden shed project. Hopefully, tomorrow, I can get all the siding on and the tarpaper and siding. One thing I know about my carpentry skills: My cutting is way better than my measuring.. I have been cutting sheets of plywood to fit the top part of the shed which has a barn style roof and several beams that stick out. And of course nothing is ever truly square, plumb or level. And somehow my perfectionism raises its non-useful head and tells me it has to fit a roof line that isn't straight. Of course I realize after the second sheet that I don't have to make it fit like a glove - that's why carpenters invented trim.
Perhaps tomorrow I will only have to make a half a dozen trips up and down the ladders..

We're waiting for some friend to arrive for a visit tomorrow. Always nice to have company. Oh and I do have a few projects in mind that I could use a hand with.

And in the Handy Hints Department:

Try using a chalkboard brush to clear the fog off the inside of windows. Works great, better than hiding rags under the seat. But here's the rub. Try and find one. I checked out two big box stationary stores and couldn't find one. Everyone uses white board today I suppose.


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