Shedding the Garden

Progress is progressing on the Garden shed front. Some friends of ours from the Coast have arrived and while the "women folk" are involved in a "Stitch and Bitch" vigil we're outside getting the shed covered and ready for some trim that we've painted in the shop. And installing windows. Oh and falling trees and other fun stuff. We are making sure any of the dead pine that is in danger of falling on our driveway is no longer a concern. The white blobs in the picture is some snow that, thankfully, didn't stick.

This is someone, who for anonymity purposes-cannot be identified- taking an outside stitching break from the inside stitching sessions. In summer it would be called, " taking a Bubba"

Wonderful weather. The snow is scheduled to begin this afternoon - hopefully I can get the door on the shed in the next little while.

Hope your life is keeping you in stitches. The fun kind! Not like my friend Carol's Kitty Kat.


Denise E said…
Are you sure the garden shed will be big enough? That's a cutey for a shed, I love it. I need one. Someday I'll get my own shed just for my garden gear.
Carol Browne said…
Oscar's bouncing back...but yah, not fun for him with all his stitches and groggy pain meds.

I do love your shed! So. Sweet!

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