Jack-Hammer Jo - the outtake

This is the out takes from the new Endako hit movie, Jack-Hammer Jo. Thought they were worth preserving as a great example of what movie producers have to go through.

So I was having trouble getting into the blue shop. The doorway is two feet lower than the road and was just dug out enough to swing open the door. Tried stabbing it with prybars to widen it to no avail. Then I borrowed an electric jack hammer from my Nephew who uses it in his contracting business. What a difference. the frozen ground was like concrete but I managed to dig out a five X six X one foot entrance to the joint. Nice to be able to walk through the door without having to be sideways. Jo-Ann couldn't resist trying out the ultimate testostorone power tool. She looks like she was having fun. I know I was.

Next Blue shed project: replace the Chimney piping. The wind has blown it down and it's pretty burnt out anyway.


Mike Browne said…
reco... click.


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