Lunch with the Boys

I had lunch today with a bunch of the guys from work. There all looking older. I don't quite know what to make of it. Anyway it was great to see them all again. I miss seeing them on a daily basis. Trying to talk them into coming up to Xanadu for a serenity trial. I think some of them are going to give it a try.

Picked up my daughter Treena in the west end. Driving in traffic- like driving a bike, only faster and theres thousands of them and there all in a hurry. Xena couldn't believe how many new potential dear friends there were.

Tonight is take out from the Memphis Blues ( we just call it the house of Meat ) and a bit of a Christmas celebration with the kids. I've always wanted to try the "Priscilla" but I think you need a rugby team to do justice to it.

So before supper I had better go for a little walk and try and get some of the great lunch we had to disappear.


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