UFO slighted!

An Ultimately Fun Object was spotted over our East pasture.

It was eerily quiet, with some sort of giggling sound in the background. After amazing the onlookers it attempted communication with the dominant intelligence in the crowd. Xena seemed to talk to it for a few minutes, although it seemed much longer, and then the saucer disappeared into our storage barn. And here's the weird part: it never came out! We checked inside as we were storing a new rock saw carriage but found nothing that looked like the flying saucer. But I suppose an advanced civilization capable of interstellar flight to an Endako field would pretty much have transmogrification powers at its command. The next time we get a clear night I am going to put a foamy outside in a field and spend the night, ensconced in eider down and with Xena the wonder watch dog, gazing up at the Milky Way and waiting for their return.


Anonymous said…

It's time for you to visit the big city...

Anonymous said…
Whazzz? Is there like, a UFO convention or something. I have been having strange cravings for PHO..
Anonymous said…
Remember the old kid's song that went ". . .whirred when it stood still. I never knew just what it was, and I guess I never will. . ."

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