Strawberry Update

We added some decorative rock to the strawberry patch. They are doing well but needing daily waterings.

Garden wise we added another seven squashes, four to replace ones that got hit by frost on the night I decided to leave the covers off.. The spuds in the large tires are starting to come up and most of the the other veggies are sprouted and up and running.

We're working like fiends to get the gates completed before the cows come home to roost.

We're taking this weekend off so I can watch war movies and celebrate D-Day.


Denise E said…
Lookin' good guys.
Yeoman said…
How will you be celebrating D-Day (other than watching the movies)?
ablom said…
I will be doing a bit of a blog about it. It saddens me to think of how quick we are to forget the sacrifices that were made that day. If things had been a tad different, and Herr Hitler hadn't slept in - the invasion wasn't a sure thing and we could very well be living in a far different, and not necessarily better world.

I must say I am also a bit perturbed at the French premiers political shenanigans. Vying for a photo op with Obama he shuns Britain and does a disservice to some 20,000 Canadians who were involved on that momentous day.

But don't get me going..
Carol Browne said…
I love the strawberry patch. CUTE!

Happy D-Day celebration. I'm grateful to live in a peaceful country.

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