More Some Assembly Required..

I am building a couple of tool cabinets. With my experience with the last ones I want to build ones that use dado's and rabbets to fit the peg board. That way I don't have to use molding on the exposed edges and it gives more surface area for the buck. I will have to use birch edge banding and I bought a cheap iron for that. Routing all those little slots requires a router table so the project of the day was:

Always a challenge. The accompanying manual appeared to be for a similar, but not exactly the same unit. Of course it was written in a language that only approximated English. Jo-Ann read the instructions,( several times) I fudged the parts that seem to go here and here, we tightened a lot of 8mm nuts, and voila a cup of tea later:

Getting the thing adjusted took some head scratching but we were able to make a few slots that fit the pegboard perfectly. Construction continues.

It didn't freeze last night. As a matter of fact we were awoken by the sound of rain on the roof. A sure sign that mud season is upon us. We had a bit of Snog this morning which, as you can imagine, is a mix of snow and fog. But nothing stuck and it's clear all the way to the valley floor.


Viki said…
My cupboards are joined using rabets. Or was that dado's? Hmmm I remember the words, just on the application

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