When a Snowflake falls in Endako..

Is there a Hawaiian beach with my bum print on it? Not yet. I went for the morning gambol down the driveway to Savory to check out the snow fall.

I've got at least four inches on the ground so I am going to take the bucket off the skid steer and put the snow plow back on and do a run. I want the road as dry as possible so it doesn't turn into a mud track. It will melt off in a day or so - even by the end of today but I don't want the water anywhere but in the ditches.

I was talking to an Old timer this morning. He's never seen weather like this in 40 years of living here. Last year at this time we were getting the garden ready for planting.

I see that the long range forecast is for a high of +16c this Wednesday. This I have to see. Jo-Ann will be stripped down to her shorts and bringing down the industrial fans to cool off.

We're looking forward to a Visit tomorrow with Viki & Ron and Cleo, who is going to check the joint out and see if she wants to join the whole fambamilly. We're in the adopting mood. And Xena is looking forward to some help in keeping those pesky crows and hawks away.


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