Spring is just around the Corner

But I just had a look around the corner and it appears it could be a month long.

When we got up this morning there was a dusting of snow and it was just below freezing. We just lit the small upstairs heater and not the big furnace downstairs. Porridge before the morning walk.

This is what I wrote last night at 8:30 P.M.

And it is still +5. Perhaps Spring is a little closer than I expected. We went to Prince George today to resupply and I didn't go on my Morning walk with the girls. So we went around four P.M when we got home. The ditches are running with water. Parts of the road that last year were mud pits are drying out in the sun. I just may try two walks this week, the Morning one, and and after noon one just to patrol the road with a hoe and making sure the water is kept running unobstructed in the ditches. The top road, without last years gravel, is pretty much a sea of mud. But even that with a little hoe work appears to be draining off

I picked up a load handler from Princess Auto. It's basically a tarp that sits in the bottom of a pick up bed and a roller that sits on a drop downed tail gate that takes up the tarp thus moving the load of gravel, sand, wood or whatever off the end of the truck. If it works it will certainly be a poor man's dump truck. Tom sold his five ton dump truck so I am going to have to look for alternatives to use for graveling the road and hauling sand. It will certainly take a lot longer - but the price is hard to beat. And this way I can do the work myself. Using the skidsteer to load the truck and level the road after the gravel is dumped.

I got a bit of a sticker shock today at Windsor plywood. I was looking for some Baltic Birch plywood to use for some shop cabinets I am building for some friends and it was 80 bucks a sheet. For a five by five sheet of nominal 3/4 inch plywood. Yikes. I settled on some 3/4" ( actually slightly less) birch like ply that came in standard 4 X 8 foot sheets for 40 bucks each. So we'll see how well it works tomorrow when I start making the cabinets.

We're back to doing our Five A.M. rise time. That means were hitting the sack around 9 p.m. It is quite astounding how much more time I seem to have in the day. The thing is were just watching a whole lot less T.V. and that can't be a bad thing. My personal gripe is that advertising, particularly T.V. advertising is the bane of our existence.

Cleo and Xena did pretty great today. The first all day in the Van trip. When we got home they sure enjoyed the tromp down the driveway and back. And then they played with me for a couple of hours while I did some chores. "Yes Cleo - these chickens sure are interesting - they make those eggs you like, lets just leave 'em be.." A little at a time. What has your experience been with introducing a new dog to the animals. Any suggestions?

I am going to be doing some cabinet making over the next couple of days and then I will tackle getting the "big saw" reconditioned and put back together.


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