Pussy Willows, Cat Tails...
With apologies to Gordon Lightfoot. I was nailing together octagon covers for the garden when I noticed that my shop foreman, Boose the cat, was not at her usual station. Unusual as she sticks pretty close to me when I am in the shop. It's an art to glue up octagons with a cat sitting on your lap. A check of the yard soon revealed her whereabouts. Cleo had chased her up the side of one of the sheds. Lacking a fire department in this part of the woods we had to call a local ladder company.

"Oh thanks Dad , I could have come down anytime I wanted to but that dogggggg was in here and I thought you needed the excercise."

As this seems to be one of her favorite refuges I think I will just leave the ladder up for now.
I had a serious talk with Cleo about chasing the cats, here's what she had to say:

"Oh thanks Dad , I could have come down anytime I wanted to but that dogggggg was in here and I thought you needed the excercise."

As this seems to be one of her favorite refuges I think I will just leave the ladder up for now.
I had a serious talk with Cleo about chasing the cats, here's what she had to say:
