To Light a Single Candle

Or rail against the darkness. Or write my manifesto. Friends of mine gave me an emergency lighting system for my birthday. It's a neat candle holder that has a rock embedded in it that acts as a striker. I was giving it a a test prior to any emergency situation requiring light. I was thinking about the years when the only light available was candles. What a different world that would have been. One we get to experience on a regular basis as the power grid succumbs to fallen trees. Mind you we do have an emergency diesel powered and gas generator, led lights, innumerable flashlights, white gas lanterns, and even coal oil lamps - but a box of candles is always close at hand. Just something comforting about the light.

I am writing in my paper PDA with a wonderful pen my daughter and husband gave me for my BD. I have a smart phone, several computer PIM's but I still prefer my customized Harvard Planner. Its portable, never runs out of batteries. It is still the fastest method of entering dates. Sure it's "old fashioned", but I have used PDA's since the earliest Palm Pilot and computer software from the pre Pack Rat pim through ECCO and of course, the ubiquitous Microsoft Outlook. They all have their strengths, but none, in my opinion can top a paper based system. Sometimes simpler is better.
I also got the Four Agreements written on concrete hearts. My sister Echo did them. She is a very talented calligrapher producing breath taking art on concrete castings and found stones as well as the traditional paper forms. I put the four sayings on the four pillars in the Green House.

Xena is particularly interested in one:

Friends of ours dropped by for a quick over nighter and their dog joined in the nightly discussion of cheese and the relative merits of Stilton versus Kraft. Usually a short but lively forum with participants displaying rapt attention..
