Cover Up

It was perfect weather yesterday. After about four days of caulking I finally got to spray the garage. Having an arial lift sure helps with the high parts. A lot easier than standing on a ladder. Xena loves going for rides in the lift. The lift is kind of persnickity so I don't go up very high with her aboard just in case I have to crawl down the boom arm.

That wood was thirsty. This coat, the first of two, took almost 20 litres ( say five gallons) of solid stain. What a stunning difference.

When it warms up a bit today - in an hour or so, I will put another coat on and maybe later in the afternoon be able to start the trim. Makes all the prep work really worth it. The weather can get pretty brutal here at times and I think the garage/shop is going to appreciate the new coat. When we got up this morning it was only 2C (35.6F)

I have pretty much decided that the garage/shop is going to be the Shop, with the ability to bring some of the rubber tired equipment in for repair in a heated environment. I am not all that sure than my current shop can withstand another winter without collapsing. I have decided to go with a pressure treated wood floor rather than concrete. The decision was based on a couple of factors: The wood is half the cost of concrete, and I can do the work myself. I was going to install a window but have decided against it. In such a small shop, 24' X 16' I need all the wall space I can get, and the roll up door takes one wall, and windows generally are the most energy in efficient parts of the structure.

Jo-Ann is already planning some of the projects she wants to build. It seems not being able to take shop in school was one of her life's regrets. We'll see how she does with kitchen cabinets..


Anonymous said…
It's looking good, it's a work of Art. Jo will have fun making things she just has to remember to measure twice before she makes her cut. I always found that when I didn't check twice I screwed up.
Unknown said…
I see that you learned your lesson about spraying without the proper respiratory equipment...looking good!
Art Blomquist said…
Busted! However you will note that I have a three foot extension wand on the gun which keeps me well away from any paint spray..

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