Take a deep breath

I did a really dumb thing yesterday. I was painting the bottom foot of the garage/shop with a petroleum distillate wood preservative. Now that the board and batten is going to be closed I want to make sure that the bottom foot is waterproof. It was getting late in the day and I was in a hurry to get the waterproofing on so it would dry. I was using a hand held sprayer to apply the copper colored liquid. I didn't bother walking 50 feet to my painting equipment shed and getting a solvent mask. Bad Idea. My lungs feel like I smoked a couple of packs of cigarettes. Rest assured I won't be playing with solvents again without wearing the proper personal protection.

Tomorrow I will do some priming, weather permitting. Before that I will need to caulk all the bigger openings and holes in the siding. Then Tyvek, and spray foam in all the corners and behind the posts. Then R40 insulation and vapour barrier. And then maybe the door and a floor. A lot more work than I imagine- but a lot of satisfaction too, taking that old piece of crap and turning it into something useful and weather tight.


Carol Browne said…
Oof. Rest your lungs up!

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