Home Again

Yesterday Sara and Kevin left on their flight back to the coast. We dropped them off at the air port in Prince George and they made it to the Vancouver airport and were picking up their luggage before we made it home. The Van made it up the roadway to our joint without a hitch. The ice had melted a little and then frozen with some snow on it so it roughed up the slick surface.

Here's some cool pics that Kevin took from the South East fields yesterday.

Xena just loves Kevin and was stuck in the house watching as he set up his tripod for some shots. When he was done we "released the hounds" and he got some cool pics of her running to him.

We're waiting to see a troop of Rangers and regular Canadian forces that are coming through on a training mission. It's quite the trek. They are planning on ending up in Churchill Manitoba. The Rangers serve as a vital, but largely under sung part of Canada's defense forces. Here's a link where you can track their progress as they are carrying a Spot Transmitter. We use one when we go off gallivanting. A lot cheaper than a satellite phone. Just don't hit the " send the helicopter" button by mistake! We tape ours off even tho it's recessed.

Today I seem to be suffering a bit from the empty nest syndrome. The kids are gone.

I am putting some new heat lamps in the chicken tractor, which is insulated for winter use. And then the last coat of paint on the ceiling of the shop prior to calling in the electrician. The guy is thorough - but really slow.


Carol Browne said…
I LOVE the picture of Xena! Well done, Kevin! What a beautiful action shot!

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