Tripping the light fantastic

On snowshoes. My Daughter Sara and husband Kevin are up from the big smoke for a bit of a breather. Kevin has a new set of snow shoes so we just had to go for a bit of a tromp.

Boose didn't want to be left back at the house so she followed us, shrugging off Xena's attempts to get her to stay at home. Here, just as we started out, she is a bit fluffed up from Xena's attention:

Eventually, about a couple of hundred feet inside the tree line and away from the packed windblown snow of the feilds she decided that maybe, perhaps, if you insist, riding was more fun and a better view.

Sara is doing a marathon later on this month and hasn't been able to run as much as she liked so decided a snow show tromp would work as a bit of a training regimen. I wished I was in as good as shape as she is:
The uphill run through rotten crumbly two foot deep snow took a couple of hours. Eventually landing us at the summit rocks to the East of our place. We discovered where the two moose that inhabit the place bed down. Their tracks and beds were all over the Eastern woods, from just inside the tree line to right up to the cliffs.

This is the view looking South and South west.
Kevin took the shots with his new his new camera a Cannon EOS 40D. This is a shot of the spread with his camera with Jo's long lens on it.

And of course a picture of Sara and Kevin on the summit. That's a 100 kmh wind blowing so we didn't hang around very long before starting the trip down. Gravity, a packed trail on our side coupled with a promise of hot tea and a warm fire making the down trip quite a bit faster.
Jo-Ann knitted the snow masks and they got a good workout on this trip.

Today we are in the midst of a total white out with a 60 kmh East wind. Snow plowing is going to be necessary. The chains on the skidsteer helping to scarify the totally iced up driveway. Last night Sara and I made a quick trip to town to pick up a cake for Kevin's Birthday. I tried seven times to make it up the driveway before admitting defeat, even with new studded snow tires. Under a star filled, moonlit night with Venus glowing below the sliver of moon, on went the chains. The road so slick we had a hard time just standing on it, even though we were wearing Yak Traks at the time. Moments later the birthday cake was safely delivered.


Carol Browne said…
Hey! What a fun day you guys had! I love the kitty in the backpack. And that's a great shot of the Blomquist Compound.

Where is the marathon???
Endako Jo said…
Carol.... it's actually a half marathon, on Feb.15, called "First Half". Here's the link ...

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