It's a Wireless World

And I believe it will be. Just like the paperless office, flying cars, and micro homes. Just not quite yet. A family member bought a new IPhone and gifted me the cast off Blackberry Pearl 8130. So I have fiddled with this latest bit of technology for the last couple of days. In actual fact the technology is two years old - which is ancient at the rate these things are changing. I had an HTC phone with a huge data plan and lost it about two years ago. So my three year data plan just kept on charging me. Sans phone. To be fair they did reduce the charges. So I was paying for a phone I wasn't using. On trips I could borrow Jo-Ann's cell. Which was an old one she inherited from me. And which I broke the law with on several occasions. Not supposed to use a cell phone while driving - without a hands free. As it turns out the high tech blue tooth enabled hands-free bud I purchased with the aforementioned lost phone works great with the Pearl. I even tried it on our drivew...