Rock Stars and Loose Screws

We're Rockhounds. A particularly, well, unusual group of people that collect rocks. Sometimes (mostly) the collections can get quite large. Where to put them? When we started the entrance fences we built them with a rough two by six ledge on top for displaying some of the overflow from our collection.

The Gurlz bringing up the rear.The one on the left is a 40 lb chunk of Opal from a local seam that is a yard wide and 500 feet long, and the one on the right is a large block of Bucchia (clam) fossils from the Cretaceous-Jurassic aged Mysterious Creek Formation on the East side of Harrison Lake.I was posting earlier about the rush of flowers. Here's an Orange Hawkweed:And another that shows the brilliant scarlet buds.We also noticed the start of the Daisy blush.Here's a handy hint when painting panels. Just drive a drywall screw through a 2 inch block of wood and place the panel on four of them. That way you can paint both sides of the panel. The tiny holes left by the sharp screws are barely noticeable:Hope your week is turning out wonderfully. The Sun is out here and the temperature is a scorching 13C. Might not need the down vest today...


I love to read about your weather challenges, so different from ours but just as hard. Its been in the 90's here. humidity in Illinois at 200%. Garden and weeds all growing like...well weeds. And then I see YOU in a down vest. Life. Funny.
Art Blomquist said…
Wow! 200% Humidity, no need to water the plants! It should warm up here to above the 20's in the next week or so. It's a short but vigorous season. Hence the need for a four season green house.

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