The Cows Come Home

The fields have been growing like crazy lately. The Cows are back for the season and the fields just look nicer with them in it. The calves are a show unto themselves. These are Belgian blue cattle and an amazing tasty variety.

This has got the Gurls attention of course. "Hay I remember those things.."

I am sure you do remember them. And there will be no chasing cattle this year.

"But Dad, you never let me have any fun--I'd go to my room and mope, but I guess right here will do.."
The apple orchard is coming along. All two trees.

I am still deconstructing. A friend lent me his giant diesel truck and goose neck trailor so I could haul the roof trusses home. A future shop perhaps.
It's raining and 10C. today. Not the greatest weather for tearing a building down. Were down to the floor now so we will truck on through.

Hope your having a great day.


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