A New Pair of Glasses
You know your getting old when..

Just had my eyes checked. Weirdly my vision is getting better.. I had purchased two new pairs of glasses a year ago. A bifocal pair for general use and a special pair for working on the computer. The general usage bifocals got scratched and the coating came of within a couple of weeks so I reverted to my old pair while I got them repaired. And never switched back.
Now I am using four pairs of glasses. My old ones, used for painting; my new ones used for not painting; my Computer glasses, and of course the sun glasses.
I am going to get some contact lenses for winter use under a pair of snow goggles.
On a different note. Generally, I don't recommend Dad's teaching their kids to drive. Just too many bad habits being passed on. However there isn't a decent driving school within a Hundred miles so we'll just have to make do:
Cleo: O.K Dad, I am doing a shoulder check.
Xena: When's it my turn. I won't hit the gate like last time I promise..


Yah, Yah, pay attention to the road at all times..is that an edible bug on your thumb?
Completed putting a buried power line to our internet tower, now there's no danger of cows eating the extension cord. Unless they find where I keep the shovels or skid-steer- and that would be bad!
Hope your having a great week.

Just had my eyes checked. Weirdly my vision is getting better.. I had purchased two new pairs of glasses a year ago. A bifocal pair for general use and a special pair for working on the computer. The general usage bifocals got scratched and the coating came of within a couple of weeks so I reverted to my old pair while I got them repaired. And never switched back.
Now I am using four pairs of glasses. My old ones, used for painting; my new ones used for not painting; my Computer glasses, and of course the sun glasses.
I am going to get some contact lenses for winter use under a pair of snow goggles.
On a different note. Generally, I don't recommend Dad's teaching their kids to drive. Just too many bad habits being passed on. However there isn't a decent driving school within a Hundred miles so we'll just have to make do:
Cleo: O.K Dad, I am doing a shoulder check.
Xena: When's it my turn. I won't hit the gate like last time I promise..


Yah, Yah, pay attention to the road at all times..is that an edible bug on your thumb?
Completed putting a buried power line to our internet tower, now there's no danger of cows eating the extension cord. Unless they find where I keep the shovels or skid-steer- and that would be bad!

Of course "our" seven year old has opposable thumbs ... I'm not sure how old your "kids" are ;).
I love the one with your kitty. I think seeing you driving down the road with that fluff-ball in your lap would certainly give me pause ;). Thanks for the chuckle :).
Lasik...changed my visual life
I have slight astigmatism to so don't know if it can address both. And then of course I would still need sunglasses. Some one should invent the photo-grey contact lens.