Through the Roof.
We finally got the chimney installed - without climbing up on the roof. It was an inside job. We would have been finished the day before but I had underestimated by one the number of chimney sections. So a quick trip to Vanderhoof and yesterday we broke through( well actually, tin snipped through) at 9 in the morning.

The chimney cap will have to wait until the snow gets off the roof. I went down to the basement to hook up the black pipe; the normal ( i.e. uninsulated) stove pipe that runs from the furnace a couple of feet to the chimney connections. Here's a hint: do that part before installing 500 lbs of chimney. So into Fraser lake to get a telescoping connection. They just sold the last one - so a trip to Burns lake 60 klicks to the West. Where fortunately they had one left. And some good advice about losing a damper that was in the old set up. Back home, fire up the air tight heater in the old shop ( Boose, the shop cat's, hide out ), some ineffectual work with a pair of tin snips, then a steel cut off saw and voila around 3:30 P.M.

The nice thing about the RSF furnace is that it can hold a 2 foot by 3 foot by 3 foot stack of wood. Capable of warming the joint up enough that doors get opened to cool it down. Now we can proceed with the fireplace removal - a power outage won't leave us cold. We're looking forward to a warm Christmas. Inside that is. Although it's warmed up to -17c (F) outside. Now if I get my act together I can remove the fireplace and exchange it for the wood stove.
Hope you are all doing wonderful this Christmas Eve. The best to you and yours from the gang at Xanadu. May the God of your understanding bless you and keep you.

The chimney cap will have to wait until the snow gets off the roof. I went down to the basement to hook up the black pipe; the normal ( i.e. uninsulated) stove pipe that runs from the furnace a couple of feet to the chimney connections. Here's a hint: do that part before installing 500 lbs of chimney. So into Fraser lake to get a telescoping connection. They just sold the last one - so a trip to Burns lake 60 klicks to the West. Where fortunately they had one left. And some good advice about losing a damper that was in the old set up. Back home, fire up the air tight heater in the old shop ( Boose, the shop cat's, hide out ), some ineffectual work with a pair of tin snips, then a steel cut off saw and voila around 3:30 P.M.

The nice thing about the RSF furnace is that it can hold a 2 foot by 3 foot by 3 foot stack of wood. Capable of warming the joint up enough that doors get opened to cool it down. Now we can proceed with the fireplace removal - a power outage won't leave us cold. We're looking forward to a warm Christmas. Inside that is. Although it's warmed up to -17c (F) outside. Now if I get my act together I can remove the fireplace and exchange it for the wood stove.
Hope you are all doing wonderful this Christmas Eve. The best to you and yours from the gang at Xanadu. May the God of your understanding bless you and keep you.
We have 17" of snow and counting. That measurement was taken around 9:30 am this morning and it has been snowing like mad all day.
I am running out of places to pile it!
ps...we picked up your package today. Yours should be there on the bus soon.