Just a little trim..

I remembered that I had a stash of denim pine stacked up in the storage barn. Denim Pine is just a euphemism for bug killed pine. It was perfect for trimming out the windows in the green house. I also used some barn-wood, a weathered pine, from the door we cut out of the equipment shed.
The blue pine is nice but I really like the weathered old barn wood. It has beautiful rich deep brown colours. And I love the price. And am tickled that another part of the homestead gets to have a new life instead of being tossed away.
This is a close up of the barn-wood knot in the top pane. Could it be the eye of the green house deity? What ever, I am a firm believer that the Big Guy does nice knots!

We originally were going to paint everything white but now I am leaning on just varathaning the wood trim - it's just too nice to cover with re-cycled semi gloss latex. Here's the view from out of the windows. That's gotta help the plants grow don't you think?

Speaking of which, were taking today off of green house construction to put the plantings into the tire garden that your seeing in the bottom pane.

When we wrapped up work at eight thirty we got to come into the house laden with the heady aroma of Soup Sunday. Today's variation was the filling Hamburger Soup from a cook book my Daughter and Son in law made from old family recipes. Soup and home made crusty brown bread. Mmmmm.

Looking forward to Meatless Mondays supper. I was thinking of stir fried zucchini, mushrooms, carrots, bok choi with a curried Tofu. Not a hundred mile dinner by a long shot. But soon. Hope springs eternal in a gardeners heart!

My wish is that your heart is filled with the wonder of today.


Anonymous said…
Arthur: I believe that bowl of soup deserves a comment. Mm GOOD! Please freeze some and have it couriered to you know who @ you know where. Your place looks great, don’t be afraid to rest now and then. I hope all is well, all the best. NK
Art Blomquist said…
you know who @you know where. it was great soup. Available any Sunday at the Savory Road inn. Ramblers welcome. As for rest - apparently i will have a lot of time to do that when i'm dead..vbg.

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