Meatless Monday

Goes with Soup Sunday. Perhaps you don't have a freezer like ours. Packages of indeterminate age - Well - less than a year old. All kinds of stuff that would be wonderful in soups and stews. Hence Soup Sundays. We gather any left overs, scrounge through the freezer and Yum! Delicious, nutritious, and nothing goes to waste. Far too often freezers just get used as a temporary cold storage to freezer burn stuff before it gets tossed. Of course your mileage may differ.

Meatless Monday was something we coined to have at least one day a week where we forgo animal protein. Tonight's repast will be a stir fry with firm tofu and some Bok Choi. I am going to plant some this summer and see what we can come up with. That's the cabbage, not the tofu. Jeez is it even possible to make that?

I am developing a software application that will help keep track of freezer items. It would probably work great on an I-phone. I got the idea from talking with people who run recovery houses. They have the "what's in the freezer", problem in spades. Think twenty or more souls in a house, and the freezer space required. I think I will call it Freazy. As it will be a free and easy app. And help me practice with the Visual Studio suite.

The farmer next door dropped by today and we repaired some of the West fence line in preparation for his herd showing up around June. He want's to wait till then as the ground right now just doesn't have a lot of moisture in it and he want's to give the grass a head start before a hundred head of cattle starts munching on it. This week he will be bringing up a tractor with a brush cutter on it that I can use to whack back all the rose bushes that are encroaching on the fields. The West Field has to have at least five acres that are covered with the stuff. Not to mention the small evergreen popping up everywhere.

Progress continues with the Green house. I only seem to be getting a door or window installed per day. Much slower than I thought I would be. But, bit by bit, it's coming together.

Still really cold. The sun is out, and looking out the window, if you ignore the thermometer, it appears to be be warm. However a quick trip outside into reality land with the wind blowing in the 5C air and the chill gets pretty cool.

Maybe my neighbor is right: don't take the long johns off until June 1.


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