Bed of Nails
This is a neat trick I picked up from a magazine. To finish doors or flat items on all sides just drive a zillion drywall screws right through a thin piece of wood - or in this case some 1/2 inch, 8 inch X 8 foot pieces of O.S.B.

Then when your finishing or painting the doors do one side and then just flip them over on the bed of nails to do the reverse. The tiny little screw points only make an imperceptible mark in the dried finish.

That was how I finished the four doors for the two new Pegboard tool cabinets. One is just a re done cupboard that I salvaged and primed, caulked and sanded and painted.

It is about a foot deep with a two inch pegboard door added. It will be used to store my woodworking power hand tools and glue and such.
And now for something completely different, from the things that make you go hmmmm department. Or why didn't I listen to that inner voice screaming in my head:
The last time I was at the coast I had a new radio installed in the Toyota, I also got a satelite radio - nice around here because the radio stations are few and far between. I did some research on the internet and found a place close by to where I was staying. When I went in the joint - pun intended - the first thing I noticed was the strong smell of herbs and spices. Well more herb than spice. Pretty distinctive. The alarm bells were ringing but as I was leaving town that day and they were within walking distance of my daughters place I went: " ah well, they are young". They sure looked pretty layed back. When I returned later to pick the truck up I noticed that they hadn't changed the antenna or installed the satellite connections which I had asked for. " Oh man, I didn't know you wanted me to do that.." Still that same distinctive odor. Strong enough that I had the urge to go buy a bag of cheezies.
Yesterday, months later, I was taking the dash apart to repair an existing and install another twelve volt outlet. I noticed most of the dash screws and plastic connectors were missing. Now how the heck--oh yes: the laid back odoriferous boys from the stereo installation. They had to take the dash apart to install the radio and new speakers. I know the screws and connectors were there when I took the truck in because I had the dash apart before then for a lamp replacement and I put them all back.
Ah well lesson learned: If the place smells skunky and the workers look a little too laid back don't expect all the nuts and bolts to go back where they belong..

Then when your finishing or painting the doors do one side and then just flip them over on the bed of nails to do the reverse. The tiny little screw points only make an imperceptible mark in the dried finish.

That was how I finished the four doors for the two new Pegboard tool cabinets. One is just a re done cupboard that I salvaged and primed, caulked and sanded and painted.

It is about a foot deep with a two inch pegboard door added. It will be used to store my woodworking power hand tools and glue and such.
And now for something completely different, from the things that make you go hmmmm department. Or why didn't I listen to that inner voice screaming in my head:
The last time I was at the coast I had a new radio installed in the Toyota, I also got a satelite radio - nice around here because the radio stations are few and far between. I did some research on the internet and found a place close by to where I was staying. When I went in the joint - pun intended - the first thing I noticed was the strong smell of herbs and spices. Well more herb than spice. Pretty distinctive. The alarm bells were ringing but as I was leaving town that day and they were within walking distance of my daughters place I went: " ah well, they are young". They sure looked pretty layed back. When I returned later to pick the truck up I noticed that they hadn't changed the antenna or installed the satellite connections which I had asked for. " Oh man, I didn't know you wanted me to do that.." Still that same distinctive odor. Strong enough that I had the urge to go buy a bag of cheezies.
Yesterday, months later, I was taking the dash apart to repair an existing and install another twelve volt outlet. I noticed most of the dash screws and plastic connectors were missing. Now how the heck--oh yes: the laid back odoriferous boys from the stereo installation. They had to take the dash apart to install the radio and new speakers. I know the screws and connectors were there when I took the truck in because I had the dash apart before then for a lamp replacement and I put them all back.
Ah well lesson learned: If the place smells skunky and the workers look a little too laid back don't expect all the nuts and bolts to go back where they belong..