One of these days I am going to get Organized..

Jo-Ann gave me a hand " for an hour " yesterday. Well that's what I told her it would be. By the time we got all the piano hinges on the two new peg board storage systems and put the trim on and attached wall cleats and moved stuff around and hung them on the walls it was more like six hours later. My project estimating wetware was totally off on this one. Mind you we did stop for a refreshing tea break to admire our handiwork. The shop cat, Boose, needed some scrootches of course. And Xena needed a few chase the blue ball ( actually a pink ball now) sessions. A few more sub-projects and I will be able to finish organizing, putting up the tools, and get on with the overhead door installation. The only problem with doing it now is that (a) the parts are under four feet of snow, and (b) it was -26c(-14.8f) this morning. Taking the double tarps off of the door opening will probably be a little chilly. I just might wait a bit 'till it warms up. The impetus to getting it done is that I want to rewire the skidsteer and it would be nice to do it in a heated shop. The cold just makes equipment repairs a miserable proposition.

Today is clear and crisp. After a breakfast of fresh scrambled eggs and home made bread we're off to town to get some fuse holders for a 12 volt project on the Toyota. And bring in another weeks wood supply. And cut some kindling. And maybe, get a little tool fondling, -er, organizing done.


Carol Browne said…
It says the temperature at your place is -28. Is that correct? YIKES!

Your workshop is coming together better than my craft room, that's for sure.
Art Blomquist said…
Actually this morning it's -33. I am going down to the Coast tomorrow to warm up!
Viki said…
Don't forget to take your chains to the coast, seems you might need them. There's no escape you silly
Art Blomquist said…
I don't take the chains out of the truck until the first robin shows up. I am picking up Sara & Kevin's dog for a two week endako vacation..But I am putting my snow boots in the back..
FarmerGeek said…
Ok, first off, I am completely jealous of your workspace... and secondly, I don't know about you, but anytime I estimate a project, the wife adds at least an hour on to it. I can't estimate my projects for nuthin.
Art Blomquist said…
Jeez, Farmer Geek if you can get yours to within an hour that's dead on estimating! Mine seem to be out by days..

The workspace is a big step up from what I have been using. One of these days I hope to get the overhead door installed. After I get it out of the snow bank..

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