Sleeping Arangements
As part of our energy conservation and biomass sustainability program we keep the bedrooms quite cool. Chilly actually. I always liked really warm bedrooms until I got used to keeping them cooler and throwing on a warmer quilt. We have an eiderdown that really can't be used above -20c and it rarely gets that cold in the house. Last night we tried the L.A.S.S.I.E. system: Large Animal Snuggling Securely In Eiderdown.

Works marvelously. Toasty. Nothing to plug in. The only mistake I made was leaving the glow in the dark doggie ball visible. Apparently it is so vitally necessary for a doggies mental health that there was some growling going on until Mom ( I warned you guys to be quiet..) decided to claim possession.
Yesterday the skid steer started up and after a while I managed to get the right hand side unfrozen and get the driveway plowed out. Snow all pushed to the ditches or over the embankments so that the melt won't soggy up the road. We could be in for another snow or so- for a moment I had the thought of removing the snow blade and putting the bucket back on. Maybe I will wait a week or so for that..
This is the lower kitchen cabinet that I built during the course I took at Lee Valley.

The instructor was a guy who runs a kitchen cabinet business and invented this method of assembly. Basically it is a European 32 milimeter system that doesn't use face frames. Simple and sturdy, it uses 18 gauge pins and drywall screws - no glues, no complicated joints. 3/4 double faced Novaply for the carcass and 1/2 inch ply for the drawer bottoms. simple rabbets for the drawers. Quite overkill material wise, but plywood has several advantages over M.D.F. And he has never had a drawer bottom failure in all the time he has used this system.
Today I am off to the local library to de infest their computers of viruses. Don't get me started on that one...there is a special place in Hell for virus writers..

Works marvelously. Toasty. Nothing to plug in. The only mistake I made was leaving the glow in the dark doggie ball visible. Apparently it is so vitally necessary for a doggies mental health that there was some growling going on until Mom ( I warned you guys to be quiet..) decided to claim possession.
Yesterday the skid steer started up and after a while I managed to get the right hand side unfrozen and get the driveway plowed out. Snow all pushed to the ditches or over the embankments so that the melt won't soggy up the road. We could be in for another snow or so- for a moment I had the thought of removing the snow blade and putting the bucket back on. Maybe I will wait a week or so for that..
This is the lower kitchen cabinet that I built during the course I took at Lee Valley.

The instructor was a guy who runs a kitchen cabinet business and invented this method of assembly. Basically it is a European 32 milimeter system that doesn't use face frames. Simple and sturdy, it uses 18 gauge pins and drywall screws - no glues, no complicated joints. 3/4 double faced Novaply for the carcass and 1/2 inch ply for the drawer bottoms. simple rabbets for the drawers. Quite overkill material wise, but plywood has several advantages over M.D.F. And he has never had a drawer bottom failure in all the time he has used this system.
Today I am off to the local library to de infest their computers of viruses. Don't get me started on that one...there is a special place in Hell for virus writers..
Glad the doggies are keeping you all snuggled up and cozy - the sun and surf are doing that for us here, and yesterday we got personal with underwater turtles! But we have to hide the glow in the dark balls from Kevin too... (there's a joke in there somewhere)
Smooches to all of ya!