Watching the Snow Melt

You know it. A day after I took the snow plow off I had to put it back on. We got six inches of snow here and I wanted to get it off the road. Trying to keep the road dry will be a bit of a preoccupation for the next little while. Yesterday started off a bit colder. the road covered with snow diamonds. I told myself to enjoy it as I might not get to see it for a few more months. Well let's say November if were lucky. Time to get a crop in if I get my but in gear. Should be a lot easier this year as we have the retired garden set up. I want to do some more work on the irrigation lines feeding the distribution panel. They have developed a leak about six feet down. memo to self: Always use two very well tightened pipe clamps when burying 1 inch poly hose six feet down.

I took a run to the dump yesterday. Wasn't a whole lot to take. We burn what we can, compost everything that is compostable, wash and flatten tin cans so a whole winters worth of garbage doesn't amount to more than the very end of the trailer.

With four cats around the joint their ensuing nuggets can pile up. Not quite sure what to do with it. Basically I am going to bury it in the ground or the above ground compost that I turn with the skidsteer. Any ideas?


Walter Jeffries said…
Compost. Do a long, large, hot pile. We compost whole 800 lb pigs as well as just about anything else organic. Even in the middle of the winter the pile is hot, hot. I do not do a lot of turning and I leave it for a long time. The output of one pile can be used to start the next pile. Just add a bit more carbon. It keeps growing. Black gold. After a year I figure it is completely safe no matter what or who I put in. All the bones, even teeth, are gone.

You asked about ducting the fridge compressor out the back of the house. Thing is I would lose the heat it is giving off. Right now I have that heat blowing into a cool corner of the house which helps provide circulation of air and our house gains about 3°F from the fridge during the winter. In the long run I plan to build a spring box and use the water flow to cool peltier devices to plunge the freezer down. The warmed water will then go either to the water heater or excess out to the livestock. A project for another year.
Art Blomquist said…
Good point on the fridge. I might try and experiment with a wattmeter tied in to see if energy out = energy in. We use wood heat and have a lot of our own beetle killed pine.

I am obsessed with cooling fridges. I like your spring box idea. I am going to try something similar as I have several springs o the place. Our house water comes from a sprig about three hundred yards away.

I have started a large pile and am thinking of expanding that so I can get a hot pile going. A neighbor of mine said he composted whole cows and I thought he was kidding.

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