Monster Garage

In order to make putting up the joists easier, and to facilitate the insulation of the garage it was necessary to complete the dung out.  I had already hauled away several defunct fridges, a standup freezer ( I had to duct tape that one so what was inside couldn't get out..) and a couple of stoves. 

This round was all the other crap that had been stuffed in there.  The Before:

The after:

What came out ready to be burnt and buried when the weather allows.  

and then joists, spray foam, inside sheeting, loose fill insulation, some windows and doors.  It will be nice to have a heated garage this winter.  If I get really ambitious, and time allows I will even dig out the dirt floor lay two inches of insulation  and then drop a slab in.

So little time, so many projects.


Carol Browne said…
EW YUCK! What is all the junk? Did you find any cool stuff amongst the junk?

I am loving my duck clock, by the way. QUACK! He's very cute.
Anonymous said…
I found some wheel chocks and an ammo box that were worth keeping. Also a 50' 3/8" chain and a bunch of garden geo textile. Not a bad haul.
Anonymous said…
But mostly just MORE junk left behind by the previous owner. He was a real junk collector, that guy.
Xena lost her ball in that pit the other day and even she wouldn't go in to get it. So....guess who had to? I was a bit afraid to, but it was OK.

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