Yet Another Tire Hot Bed

We were tooling around in the garden today adjusting the sprinkler system and trying some underground drip lines. Gotta like that idea, no waste, water goes directly to the plants roots.

While we were out there we had a bit of a brainstorm. We have a couple of tires of soybeans for edemame growing and they require a bit warmer temperatures. We had wrapped tires with green house plastic before. Screwing it to the sides of the tires. We had some plastic left over and came up with this idea: Put the plastic on the inside of the tire, sticking it down into the soil for stability and putting a tire "lid"( with horticultural fabric for venting) on top. 15c rise in temperature. Lots of light.

Tried it with the tomatoes all tho we didn't put a top on them. It also helps cut down the wind on the plants. We've been having a lot of high winds and cold temps lately. This looks like another innovation in the world of cold weather gardening.

I opened a package from my trip to Flin Flon and found my Auntie Mabel ( no relation other than name to Mabel the Moose" and found she had put this hat in the package of goodies.
This one goes on the "good" hat rack. Thanks Auntie.


Anonymous said…
Ia m not a gardner but heh people are wondering
what to do with old tires
maybe a new adventure for you
edamamme one of my favorites.

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