Back into the "Ugly Duck" and we found a table that suited our kitchen better than the round one. The round one didn't have a leaf and this one had a little more room. Just in case we get visitors..
The round table made it's way to the upstairs library.
Nice. Tables everywhere. The big improvement was having a table on the balcony to gaze over the joint.
It's the fourth of January. I am at 54 ° North and its pouring rain. During a let up I slipped out ( literally ) without my crampons to feed the fire in the green house. The dogs were laughing at me. They have built in ones - but they didn't look all that steady either.. The good news is that four arm loads of firewood in the upstairs heater will keep the house warm and cozy for a day. Some one has been stealing our firewood lately because of the 16 stock piled cords at least three has disappeared. We suspect some one has been burning it. Got a bajillion projects on the go - some of them weather dependent. I.E. I don't like to work outside in the rain wearing crampons unless I really have to. Hope your getting around OK.
We rarely see them here. This is one we found on our walk the other day. Ignored by the doggies. The other sunny day. More on that later. It's been raining heavily for the last four days. Today we have a weather warning posted for our area about heavy rain. I can look out the window and see that. Welcome to sunny July in Endako.. Ah well, a great excuse for shop work. And getting the Linux network up and running. Now all our machines, including My Mac Pro have Linux on them. Our print server is Fedora 11 and the rest a mixture of Ubuntu Jaunty and Kubuntu. I run Linux on Vmware Fusion on my Mac and dual boot our working machines with Vista and Xp. I suppose I will have to install Win 7 on a partition also - but don't get me started.. This was a treat for us a day ago: We have half a dozen tires of strawberries that I got from a friend of mine. They seem to really like the heat up against the shop. They went very nicely with my stab at Lemon Halibut. Not a 100 mile d...
Just when we thought it was time to start sorting out the seed catalogues and think about revamping the irrigation system the temperatures plummeted. The driveways are skating rinks. I've taken to using the studded snow tire equipped truck to make the rounds. Feeding the fires. It's safer - even using studded soles and ski poles I find my feet slipping on the hard fractured ice. Spent a couple of days doing some electrical trouble shooting on a friends logging equipment. A buncher that has had a lot of re-wiring by people in a hurry. I find equipment is like that. Electrical entropy sets in. A relay is temporarily wired in place. A wire replaced with one not quite the right size. Relay's cut out and wires left bare. Makes trouble shooting a nightmare. Of course nothing is exactly like the wiring diagram ( if I am lucky enough to have one..) Wiring changes and additions and d...