Board of Life

Well, shop really. And that board is O.S.B. or oriented strand board. Tom came up and we just about got all the ceiling and walls covered. Have nail gun will go through a lot of 2 1/2 inch nails. We were using Tom's wall board lift which sure made putting up the ceiling a lot easier.

It's quite amazing how covering up the vapor barrier and insulation with O.S.B has made the place warmer. It was -25c(-13f) yesterday and the little electric heater kept the inside temp at +10c.(50f) Not a bad temperature for working in. If we got a chill, or stopped for coffee I put the radiant, propane fueled heater on and it brought the internal temp to +20 or more in five minutes. And remember thats without the insulated garage door up. The opening is only covered with plastic vapor barrier on the outside and Tyvek on the inside.

Jo-Ann took this picture with her wide angle lens. It makes the place look a lot bigger than it is. Its only 24 X 16 X 9 feet high.

We are going to try and put the last few sheets on today and start putting a pressure treated baseboard combination up today. And then trim and paint.


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