In the Groove

I went to plow the yard yesterday and the skidsteer wouldn't turn over...Turned out to be a blown fuse caused by the ignition switch turning and shorting out.. Add that one to the list: remove keyed ignition-- install a switch. I didn't have a 30 amp AGC fuse so off to town. Which required blasting through some snow drifts at the top of the road.

When we got back, always dicier than going downhill Xena had to go and check out what all the fuss was about.

Jo-Ann was with me which always makes it more exciting somehow. I think she can hold her breath for the whole upper length of the driveway.

After some electrical repairs I managed to get the entire yard and road all cleaned up and then the snow started again. Today we are in another snow warning blizzard. Tom came up and helped to change a couple of hydraulic hoses that were looking a bit dubious. And we managed to straighten out the rear cover on the skidsteer that had been bashed in and was dangerously close to the hydraulic radiator. Have 20 lb sledge hammer will swing if required. We wanted to get it done before I had to use the skidsteer to plow us out tomorrow. Tonight if I had lights on it. Add that one to the list.

Hopefully I can get back to shop construction tomorrow after I plow.


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