On the Skids
Skid Steer that is. I am having problems with the Case. Intermittent dying, Flat tire and no horsepower. The blown tire was the easiest to fix. Off to Burns Lake and they managed to get the tire back on the rim. The rim was bent so bad that I ordered a new one which should be in next week. It's going to need a couple of tires also but that might have to wait for summer at 300 bucks a pop. After I changed the tire I tried to start the machine so that I could install a chain that went missing. No go. Nada. Tried all the jiggling, swearing, kicking maneuvers I knew and --nothing. And of course equipment always breaks down in the middle of the road.

Back into the house and Jo suggested trying to push the road open with the Drott. Because of a problem with the torque converter it will only run for about an hour and then it has no traction. But it started, reluctantly, and I was able to push a path to Savory road.

So we can get out without chaining up. It wouldn't make it back home so I left it at the turn around half way down. A single track out to Savory. Wide enough for the Toyota.

My friend Eddie, who is a bush mechanic, came buy - looked at the skid steer, touched the main distributor wire and bingo it starts. Who knows why. His theory is that " I have cold hands and she doesn't like it". I hate fixing things by magic. Seemed like success.
Any way he brought his malfunctioning laptop up and I diddled with it for a couple of hours.
Here's a shot of a "Breakfast of Champions":

I put a bunch of Anti-Bad software ( virus and spy ware checkers ) on it and set up a dual boot partition for Ubuntu 8.10 Linux. Unfortunately his particular laptops video chip set doesn't like the latest version of Linux so I will have to rebuild later. In the mean time he is back on the www with the XP partition.
At the end of a beautiful day, after I drove Eddie down the driveway to his truck ( too wide to make it up the single cat track. I wandered out to plow the yard and driveway with the skid steer and, you guessed it - no start. I did the usual poke and prod and got started but very little power. I practically had to push the thing down hill. After a couple of hours of this and intermittent stalling I gave up and parked it for the night.
I've ordered a new set of heavy duty spiked chains for the skid steer which may be in today. I've been offered a few suggestions about the intermittent dying problem. Most of which centre around drying out the distributor which was soaked by the hydraulic failure of a week ago. So today I am going to try a new cap, some ignition wire spray and check the hydraulic fluid levels. Fortunately I have a complete manual Jo-Ann found for me on eBay and it has pretty thorough maintenance procedures in it.
There is an old saying: " be careful for what you pray for". I think a prayer for patience slipped out a couple of days ago. I am pretty sure that I don't get what I pray for but I do get lot's of chances to practice it. Patience.

Back into the house and Jo suggested trying to push the road open with the Drott. Because of a problem with the torque converter it will only run for about an hour and then it has no traction. But it started, reluctantly, and I was able to push a path to Savory road.

So we can get out without chaining up. It wouldn't make it back home so I left it at the turn around half way down. A single track out to Savory. Wide enough for the Toyota.

My friend Eddie, who is a bush mechanic, came buy - looked at the skid steer, touched the main distributor wire and bingo it starts. Who knows why. His theory is that " I have cold hands and she doesn't like it". I hate fixing things by magic. Seemed like success.
Any way he brought his malfunctioning laptop up and I diddled with it for a couple of hours.
Here's a shot of a "Breakfast of Champions":

I put a bunch of Anti-Bad software ( virus and spy ware checkers ) on it and set up a dual boot partition for Ubuntu 8.10 Linux. Unfortunately his particular laptops video chip set doesn't like the latest version of Linux so I will have to rebuild later. In the mean time he is back on the www with the XP partition.
At the end of a beautiful day, after I drove Eddie down the driveway to his truck ( too wide to make it up the single cat track. I wandered out to plow the yard and driveway with the skid steer and, you guessed it - no start. I did the usual poke and prod and got started but very little power. I practically had to push the thing down hill. After a couple of hours of this and intermittent stalling I gave up and parked it for the night.
I've ordered a new set of heavy duty spiked chains for the skid steer which may be in today. I've been offered a few suggestions about the intermittent dying problem. Most of which centre around drying out the distributor which was soaked by the hydraulic failure of a week ago. So today I am going to try a new cap, some ignition wire spray and check the hydraulic fluid levels. Fortunately I have a complete manual Jo-Ann found for me on eBay and it has pretty thorough maintenance procedures in it.
There is an old saying: " be careful for what you pray for". I think a prayer for patience slipped out a couple of days ago. I am pretty sure that I don't get what I pray for but I do get lot's of chances to practice it. Patience.