Of Moose and Men
I just about have the Garage ready for OSB. But I decided to upgrade the service conductors so we made a trip to Prince to visit the Home Depot. As Mike Holmes says: Code just isn't good enough. And to have lunch at the Costco: Montreal Smoked Beef sandwiches, complete with pickle and fries and a large pop, all the sourkraut and hot peppers you can handle: Four bucks. What a deal. The next time we go we're thinking of taking a table cloth and a candle and really making the most of it. Jeez - you know your getting old when...
On our way out, just past our entrance from Savory road, we spotted these beasts up on a hilly meadow contentedly munching on the tips of Saskatoon bushes. Not at all concerned with Xena's barking umbrage in the van.

They really are fascinating creatures that look like they were designed by committee - but one that really knew what it was doing. They have an unforgettable bouncing gate and don't have any trouble navigating the little snow we have now. I think these ones spend most of the winter on or about our property. It is unbelievable how the bulls can move through the thickest brush with a full rack on. Something you really don't want to see first hand during rutting season. More people are injured by moose than bear.
Today we have -16c(3.2f) and a light, peaceful, snow falling almost vertically. All the hoarfrost has gone. It really was spectacular. Here's one Jo-Ann took:

Hopefully today she will post some more on her blog. I'm calling them The "whore" frosted bird house series.
I was hoping for a little snow to cover up the weird January melt. My Daughter Sara and husband Kevin, are coming up for a visit. Snowshoeing is on the list. And burning things.
Xena, ensconced on her window seat, is growling at imaginary beasties. Having a little down time. She was up at 5:30 this morning running around the pitch black yard looking for her toys and warning the L.E.D. driveway lights not to come any closer..
On our way out, just past our entrance from Savory road, we spotted these beasts up on a hilly meadow contentedly munching on the tips of Saskatoon bushes. Not at all concerned with Xena's barking umbrage in the van.

They really are fascinating creatures that look like they were designed by committee - but one that really knew what it was doing. They have an unforgettable bouncing gate and don't have any trouble navigating the little snow we have now. I think these ones spend most of the winter on or about our property. It is unbelievable how the bulls can move through the thickest brush with a full rack on. Something you really don't want to see first hand during rutting season. More people are injured by moose than bear.
Today we have -16c(3.2f) and a light, peaceful, snow falling almost vertically. All the hoarfrost has gone. It really was spectacular. Here's one Jo-Ann took:

Hopefully today she will post some more on her blog. I'm calling them The "whore" frosted bird house series.
I was hoping for a little snow to cover up the weird January melt. My Daughter Sara and husband Kevin, are coming up for a visit. Snowshoeing is on the list. And burning things.
Xena, ensconced on her window seat, is growling at imaginary beasties. Having a little down time. She was up at 5:30 this morning running around the pitch black yard looking for her toys and warning the L.E.D. driveway lights not to come any closer..