New Years Resolutions

Come on! Move the mouse.

When I got up this morning I found Jo-Ann sitting with Boose and Blackie. She was trying to teach them to get along. For some reason Blackie, the dominant male cat, takes great exception to Boose who has been banished to the shop. She has all the comforts of home out there, Electric Blanket, heater, sun lamp and when it gets cold I fire up the wood heater. And she will soon be moving to the new shop. Still, she seems to crave human attention. She has been sitting for an hour now between my arms as I work on my NYRL ( New Years Resolution List) and blog. With me holding Boose and Jo-Ann controlling Blackie, we had them nose to nose without any fur flying. Maybe there is hope.

Actually my NYRL is really, so far, a project list. A list of all things that I want to accomplish so that I can export it to my Achieve Planner for fleshing out: timing, material lists, who's going to do what etc. I have used planners, paper and electronic for several decades now and have found Achieve to be the most powerful and easy to use system.

Most of my projects are facilities or infrastructure improvements. Things that will help us to become more self sufficient. Things like a green house and shop, equipment shed. The list goes on. So far I'm up to 24 different projects. So the list is definatly multi year. I like to include things that are merely wishes also.

The only problem with this is that if I'm not careful my life starts to look uni-dimensional. Like a never ending to do list. So my resolution this year is to add a few more "smell the roses" items.

We really like to explore the back roads with our Boler and do some rockhounding but to do that we need to have someone reliable to look after the garden and chickens, ( pigs this year) while were away. The last time we did was a disaster. So this year we are going to hook up the water at Grandmas and see if we can get some one reliable living there. It's the best view on the property and were thinking of making it rent free to someone that is willing to baby sit when we go away.

Project for the day: Shift the trailor load of deconstruction material to the burn pile. I was going to do it yesterday but the road to Grandmas took three hours to bash through the snow drifts.

Hope your doing well this first day of 2009.


Carol Browne said…
I will happily provide excellent references for you in the landlord department.

Sadly, we are unable to move up to Endako at this time. Even with your weather and cold temps, today I would be very tempted to be your chicken and kitty babysitter.

A change is as good as a rest, right?

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